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A charity for the School District in Matt’s town had a dance competition in 2015 where they paired each contestant with a professional dancer… similar to the TV show: Dancing with the Stars.

Matt, generally, can’t dance.

Nevertheless, Matt practiced daily for 3 months. Each step of the routine was unique and a mirror-image of his partner. If one step was early, or late, it would be nearly impossible to make a correction while the ENTIRE TOWN watched. Matt had to nail it… and… he did! The song, Van Halen’s, Jump, had 30 counts of 8-steps. That’s 240 unique steps in total!

During the performance, Matt and his partner gave it their all and, thankfully, won a trophy.

Here’s the award-winning performance (again, for charity). https://youtu.be/II7XbPhtZqM

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